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martedì 28 ottobre 2008
A Settembre si sono aperte le iscrizioni al laboratorio Fisica in Moto per le scuole medie superiori italiane e già si sta per registrare il "tutto esaurito" per l'anno scolastico 2008/2009.
Sono pochi i giorni di visita rimasti ancora disponibili, prenotabili inviando la propria richesta attraverso la pagina "Prenota la tua visita" contenuta all'interno del sito web:
Sono pochi i giorni di visita rimasti ancora disponibili, prenotabili inviando la propria richesta attraverso la pagina "Prenota la tua visita" contenuta all'interno del sito web:
martedì 14 ottobre 2008
I commenti dei ricercatori del progetto Mymosa al laboratorio FIM - Comments from Mymosa Project Researchers

I personally think, learning things in a practical manner is a better way to acquire knowledge than in theoretical manner. This way a student can absorb the knowledge with easy. I guess this is what DUCATI "PHYSICS IN MOTION" LAB demonstrates effectively with simple laws/examples/concepts.
Avinash, India
Well organized, useful and funny. A must attend lecture!
Davide, Italy
Demonstrating the beauties of physics for
young students by simple experiments is a valuable
task and one of my ambitions, which you have
done in your physics laboratory very well.
Well Done!
Mazdak, Iran
Vaši študenti majú šťastie, že majú to privilégium učiť
sa základy fyziky vo Vašom laboratóriu. Súhlasím, že učenie
fyziky je samo o sebe vedou. Moji učitelia len očakávali, že
si zapamätáme tie rovnice bez toho, aby nám poriadne vysvetlili ich
význam. Vaše laboratórium by mohlo byť príkladom, ako sa to má
robiť. Dokonca aj v mojom veku sa mi to páčilo, bola to
Your students are lucky to have this privilege to learn the basics of
physics at your lab. I agree that teaching physics is a science
itself. My teachers just expected us to memorize the equations without
explaining us their meaning. Your lab could be an example of how it
should be done. I enjoyed the tour even at my age, it was fun.
Milan, Slovakia
Kiitokset järjestäjille tutustumiskierroksesta Ducatin uuteen moottorilaboratorioon "Fisica In Moto" Bolognassa. Tilat ovat uudet, upeat ja loppuunasti mietityt värimaailmaa myöden. Suomessa ja Tanskassa samanlaista ideaa, jossa tekemällä oppii, on käytetty ainakin Heurekassa ja Experimentariumissa ja molemmat ovat olleet kävijöiden suosiossa. Tällä tavoin esitettynä fysiikan ihmeellisyydet jäävät paremmin mieleen ja mahdollisesti herättävät paremman kiinnostuksen ko. aihetta kohtaan. Laboratorion eri osastoilla on esitettynä monipuolisesti kaikki olennaiset moottoripyörien tekniikkaan liittyvät fysiikan ilmiöt ja tekniset oivallukset. Ainoa jota jäin kaipaamaan on oikeanlaisen "soundin" luominen ja siihen liityvät asiat. Hieno visiitti kaikenkaikkiaan!
I´d like to thank the organizers for the ability to visit Ducati motor lab "Fisica In Moto" in Bologna. Facilities are brand new and well thought out in every smallest detail. In Finland and Danmark similar idea is used at least at Heureka and Experimentarium - learning by doing - and both science centres have been a success. This is the way how the peculiarities of physics will be adopted more easily and maybe someone could get more interested about the subject. At the sections of the laboratory all the physics related to motorcycle technics are presented in a fascinating manner. Only thing I was seeking for was something about the how to make correct and unique sound for Ducati bikes. Great visit altogether!
Kimmo, Finland
Había oído hablar hace tiempo de este laboratorio (Física in Moto) pero la verdad es que no me esperaba algo así de didáctico. Muchas veces cuando estudiamos física nos falta un poco de motivación para 'encender' de algún modo nuestra pasión. Algunos experimentos del laboratorio son realmente instructivos para entender, por ejemplo, el efecto giroscópico de una rueda en movimiento. Estoy seguro que con este laboratorio muchos estudiantes se podrán acercar al mundo de la moto desde un nuevo punto de vista más técnico (y divertido :).
I had heard about this lab (Physics in motion) some time ago but I didn't expect it to be so didactic. Sometimes when we study physics we lack the motivation that stirs up somehow our passion. Some of the facilities of this lab are really instructive to get to understand, for instance, the gyroscopic effect of a spinning wheel. I'm pretty sure that this lab will help a lot of students to get closer to motorcycle's world from a new point of view much more technical (and funny :).
I had heard about this lab (Physics in motion) some time ago but I didn't expect it to be so didactic. Sometimes when we study physics we lack the motivation that stirs up somehow our passion. Some of the facilities of this lab are really instructive to get to understand, for instance, the gyroscopic effect of a spinning wheel. I'm pretty sure that this lab will help a lot of students to get closer to motorcycle's world from a new point of view much more technical (and funny :).
David, Spain
giovedì 9 ottobre 2008
Motore a quattro tempi - Four Stroke Engine
Il professor Suhr, dopo la visita al laboratorio, ci ha inviato un breve filmato fatto da lui con un semplice modello di motore a combustione interna 4 tempi, per aiutare a capirne il funzionamento. Noi lo proponiamo a tutti:
4 stroke engine - by prof. Suhr
Prof. Suhr made this very simple video showing how the 4 stroke engine works. Thank you prof!
4 stroke engine - by prof. Suhr
Prof. Suhr made this very simple video showing how the 4 stroke engine works. Thank you prof!
venerdì 3 ottobre 2008
Commenti dalla Germania - Comments from Germany
Riportiamo i commenti del professor Suhr della scuola di Lünburg e di uno dei suoi studenti dopo la visita al laboratorio Fisica In Moto.
Prof. Friedrich Suhr
-In German-„Addicted to Fisica in moto“ lautete die Beschriftung der Buttons, die den Teilnehmern zu Beginn der Führung verteilt wurden. Ein Ziel, das mühelos erreicht wurde: Bekannte physikalische Sachverhalte z.B. zu Drehmoment und Reibung konnten die Schüler und Schülerinnen hautnah selber erfahren – auch im Anwendungskontext der Motorrad-Technologie. Die Möglichkeit zum eigenen Experimentieren motivierte sehr und die Begeisterung der Ducati-Mitarbeiter übertrug sich vollständig auf die Teilnehmer. An anderen Stellen konnten Schülerinnen und Schüler einen anschaulichen Einblick gewinnen in physikalische Grundlagen, die für sie neu waren und deren Relevanz in der Anwendung des Motorradbaus erfahren. Für meine Schüler und mich sind der Besuch des Physik-Labor und die Werksführung ein unvergessliches Erlebnis: Schülerinnen und Schüler für Physik und Technik zu begeistern ist hier vollends gelungen! Mit meiner nächsten Schülergruppe, mit der ich in der Toskana bin, werde ich auf jeden Fall wieder „Fisica in moto“ besuchen.
-Translated in English-
„Addicted to Fisica in moto“ was written on the buttons that the students got at the beginning of the guided tour. An aim, that was reached effortlessly: The students could very closely experience known physical facts, for example torque and friction – combined with their application on motorbike-technology. The possibility to do experiments by themselves and the enthusiasm of the Ducati-employees was completely communicated to the participants. In other parts the students got an illustrative insight into physical basics, that were new for them, and they experienced the relevance for applications in constructing motorbikes. The visit of the lab “Fisica in moto” and the guided tour in the factory are an unforgettable experience: Ducati managed completely to fill the students with enthusiasm for physics and technology! At my next journey to Toscany with students I’ll have a next visit to “Fisica in moto”.
Le impressioni di Stefan
-In German-
Das besondere bei Fisica In Moto: Es wurden keine Mühen gescheut möglichst alles so interaktiv wie möglich zu halten. Jeder kann mitmachen, vom gemeinsamen Zerlegen mehrerer Ducati-Kupplungen, bis zum Experiment am eigenen Leibe über den physikalischen Impuls mit zwei speziell präparierten Sitzen in einer Art Boxring.
Besonders zu loben ist das Engagement von dem Leiter unserer Führung Giovanni. Er konnte nicht nur die physikalischen Sachverhalte für jeden anschaulich erklären, er kam beim gemeinsamen Mittagessen kaum zum Essen, als er mir motiviert die verantwortlichen Faktoren für die selbstständige Aufrechthaltung eines Motorrades erklärte.
Zusammen mit der anschließenden Führung durch das Werk und dem Besuch des Ducati Museums, macht das diesen Ausflug außergewöhnlich!
-Translated in English-
The special quality of “Fisica in moto”: Everything was as interactive as possible. Each student did his own experiment: Stripping down a Ducati-clutch, experiencing the impulse on special seats are two among a lot of examples.
The engagement of the leader Giovanni of our tour is particularly commendable: at the common meal he explained to me the factors, why a motorbike doesn’t fall over, in such great detail, that he hardly didn’t get time to eat.
All that, together with the guided tour in the factory and the museum, makes this visit extraordinary for me!
giovedì 2 ottobre 2008
Ricercatori a scuola di fisica - Researchers at the lab
1 ottobre '08 - Gli studenti di dottorato del progetto di ricerca Mymosa (Motorcycle and Motorcyclist Safety - sono stati ospiti della Ducati e, dopo un incontro tecnico con l'ing. Andrea Gesi, non hanno perso l'occasione di visitare il laboratorio Fisica In Moto. Una particolarità del progetto Mymosa, finanziato dalla Comunità Europea al fine di migliorare la sicurezza stradale nell'utilizzo delle moto, è che i 15 ragazzi che ne fanno parte provengono da molti paesi diversi: India, Iran, Turchia, Grecia, Slovacchia, Finlandia, Portogallo, Spagna, Italia. Questi studenti di eccezione, pur studiando quotidianamente la fisica applicata alle motociclette, si sono entusiasmati di fronte alle postazioni interattive del laboratorio e alla fine hanno trovato questa iniziativa davvero imperdibile!
1st October '08 - PhD students of the Mymosa Research Project (Motorcycle and Motorcyclist Safety - came to visit the Ducati facilities. They first met eng. Andrea Gesi and after the tour inside the factory they visited the Fisica In Moto laboratory. Mymosa project has the aim of increasing the safety of the road use of 2-wheeled-vehicles and the aim of creating collaboration between different countries. In fact the Mymosa researchers come from many different countries: India, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Slovakia, Finland, Portugal, Spain, Italy. They use to work every day with the Physics applied on motorcycles, but they were really excited in front of the interactive workstations of the lab. They said this visit is really a must!
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