Well organized, useful and funny. A must attend lecture!
Demonstrating the beauties of physics for
young students by simple experiments is a valuable
task and one of my ambitions, which you have
done in your physics laboratory very well.
Well Done!
Vaši študenti majú šťastie, že majú to privilégium učiť
sa základy fyziky vo Vašom laboratóriu. Súhlasím, že učenie
fyziky je samo o sebe vedou. Moji učitelia len očakávali, že
si zapamätáme tie rovnice bez toho, aby nám poriadne vysvetlili ich
význam. Vaše laboratórium by mohlo byť príkladom, ako sa to má
robiť. Dokonca aj v mojom veku sa mi to páčilo, bola to
Your students are lucky to have this privilege to learn the basics of
physics at your lab. I agree that teaching physics is a science
itself. My teachers just expected us to memorize the equations without
explaining us their meaning. Your lab could be an example of how it
should be done. I enjoyed the tour even at my age, it was fun.
Kiitokset järjestäjille tutustumiskierroksesta Ducatin uuteen moottorilaboratorioon "Fisica In Moto" Bolognassa. Tilat ovat uudet, upeat ja loppuunasti mietityt värimaailmaa myöden. Suomessa ja Tanskassa samanlaista ideaa, jossa tekemällä oppii, on käytetty ainakin Heurekassa ja Experimentariumissa ja molemmat ovat olleet kävijöiden suosiossa. Tällä tavoin esitettynä fysiikan ihmeellisyydet jäävät paremmin mieleen ja mahdollisesti herättävät paremman kiinnostuksen ko. aihetta kohtaan. Laboratorion eri osastoilla on esitettynä monipuolisesti kaikki olennaiset moottoripyörien tekniikkaan liittyvät fysiikan ilmiöt ja tekniset oivallukset. Ainoa jota jäin kaipaamaan on oikeanlaisen "soundin" luominen ja siihen liityvät asiat. Hieno visiitti kaikenkaikkiaan!
I´d like to thank the organizers for the ability to visit Ducati motor lab "Fisica In Moto" in Bologna. Facilities are brand new and well thought out in every smallest detail. In Finland and Danmark similar idea is used at least at Heureka and Experimentarium - learning by doing - and both science centres have been a success. This is the way how the peculiarities of physics will be adopted more easily and maybe someone could get more interested about the subject. At the sections of the laboratory all the physics related to motorcycle technics are presented in a fascinating manner. Only thing I was seeking for was something about the how to make correct and unique sound for Ducati bikes. Great visit altogether!
I had heard about this lab (Physics in motion) some time ago but I didn't expect it to be so didactic. Sometimes when we study physics we lack the motivation that stirs up somehow our passion. Some of the facilities of this lab are really instructive to get to understand, for instance, the gyroscopic effect of a spinning wheel. I'm pretty sure that this lab will help a lot of students to get closer to motorcycle's world from a new point of view much more technical (and funny :).
7 commenti:
Having a weapon doesn't mean you can kill the enemy. You need a right executioner to put it to proper use. To embed these simple concepts equipped in the sophisticated lab into a student's mind, you need a 'killer instructor' with instinctive approach which exactly what "Giovanni Savino" has Demonstrated!
Great Work Giovanni and Thank You so much for the visit!
Nel commento di Avi in Hindi, la prima delle parole ripassate vuol dire DUCATI!
Thank you for the visit: the lab is fantastic! All high school students must to visit it!!
Si, probabilmente lo e
good start
quello che stavo cercando, grazie
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